Inspiration and Pretty Things


We've got Marie Antoinette on the brain...perhaps the next theme photo shoot? 


What do you think?

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  1. OH MY GOD. I loooove this!!!! You have to do it!!

  2. I like it. A lot. I had found a corset a while back similar to the one on this link, that really fits the style. I would love the opportunity to make and donate one to be used for the shoot if you are interested... I've been trying to come up with an excuse to try something out like this. :)

    Andrea and I are working on the letter bag. I think we can make it happen

    Erica Steele

  3. I love this idea! I did my first pinup photoshoot yesterday and I'm hooked!

  4. Here from No Model Lady! Beautiful Photos.

  5. Oh my goodness! so so pretty! Please do a themed shoot so I can see the pictures! Have you seen the movie? the costumes are so so gorgeous!!!

    -Heather from

  6. AMAZING - love the rococo style. Also fab blog you have - following you now, would adore it if you come and see me sometimes - hopefully you'll love what I do and follow me too :O)

  7. Tabitha, I love it! This would make for an awesome photo shoot! I would definitely have to do this one!

  8. Love it, I hope Marie Antoinette wins!

  9. When I saw the movie, I said I was born in the wrong time. The shoes and masks were my favorite. I would love, I mean love, to book this theme shoot if you decide on this!


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